My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I'm always surprised by the vehemence of some of the reviews I see about the Sookie Stackhouse series. To those who complain about Harris's writing style or how simple Sookie acts, read some of Harris' other series. Her other characters can be sophisticated and complicated. Sookie is an average person. She reminds us that we don't have to be the most educated, the most wealthy, the most polished to be a worthy human being. And she reminds us that we can all make mistakes in the name of love.
Some reviews of this last book in the series are angry for another reason: They're not happy who Sookie ends up with in the end. Harris is an experienced, skilled, writer, with experienced skilled editors. If she felt that was the best ending for her story, for her book, we can be sad, we can wish it were different, but we should stand by her decision to end the series the way she did.
Would I have ended the series the same way? No. But I'm still glad I read it, and I think it was concluded reasonably well. I'll miss Sookie, but I look forward to reading Harris's other works.
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